Civil Rights Leader Alveda King: Same Sex Marriage “is not a civil right.”


Speaking at NOM’s Summer for Marriage 2010 Atlanta, GA bus tour stop, Alveda King—niece of civil rights icon Martin Luther King, Jr.—called upon all to support NOMs efforts and join us at the final stop in Washington, D.C. (8/15/10) as she explains the stark disparity between the real civil rights movement her father and uncle led and attempts by same sex marriage supporters to co-opt it.

ALVEDA KING: “The question of race… there is one race on the planet and that’s the human race. And of one blood everyone was made. And so to tell two people that they can’t’ marry b/c of difference of skin color is against the foundational understanding that we are one race. So any man of any complexion can marry any woman of any complexion…now the issue of two men marrying or two women marrying, of course, is in direct opposition of what’s there. So therefore it is not a civil right…”

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