Talk Show Host Asks: Why Are Some MN Reps Suddenly Opposed to Voter Amendments?


Jason Lewis is a nationally syndicated talk-show host based in Minneapolis-St. Paul, and writes in the Star-Tribune:

Funny, but I don't seem to recall the hand-wringing and consternation over proposed constitutional amendments in years gone by. Since 1996, Minnesota voters have actually amended the state's constitution seven times, and nary a peep. In fact, the last two ballot questions -- dedicating hundreds of millions towards environmental, arts and transportation spending -- were somehow seen as sterling examples of allowing voters to choose the laws under which they live.

This year, however, with four ballot measures being considered, you'd think the sky was falling. Republicans have put forth plans for a couple of tax-and-spend limitations as well as a voter-identification initiative. But hell hath no fury like a domestic partner scorned, so the amendment that's really got the cultural elites up in arms is the one that defines marriage as "only a union of one man and one woman."

The Minnesota House Rules Committee has scheduled a hearing on SF1308, the Minnesota Marriage Amendment, for Wednesday May 18 at 8:30 AM.