"Gay Marriage Can't Pass RI House" - NOM Marriage News 4/7/2011


Dear Marriage Supporter,

Is another great victory in the offing?

The Rhode Island newsblog GoLocalProv is reporting this morning: "GAY MARRIAGE CAN'T PASS RI HOUSE"!!!!

SSM Bill Blocked in Rhode Island House!

Edith Ajello

Even Edith Ajello, a prominent Providence progressive, admits the bill is currently at least six to eight votes short of the 38 votes needed to pass the Rhode Island House. And the RI House was supposed to be the easy part. A lot of House members are scratching their heads, wondering why they should be pushed to vote on a bill causing such a public outcry—when it's clear, they say, that the bill is dead on arrival in the Senate. Read more »

Virginia Governor to Block Mandate Requiring Agencies to do Gay Adoptions

Bob McDonnell

The Democratic administration of Tim Kaine left a little time bomb in the making for incoming Gov. Bob McDonnell, in the form of new regulations which would require all adoption and foster care agencies to do gay adoptions. The gay blogs flipped when we dubbed this the "mandatory gay adoption" regs, but that is just what they are. Sometimes the truth hurts! Read more »

Tim Gill Threatens $2M Campaign Against Colorado Lawmakers over Civil Unions Bill

Tim Gill

After Colorado legislators rejected a civil unions bill, Tim Gill's lawyer, Ted Trimpa, issued a threat, according to KWGN news: Gill, the gay millionaire whose riches are largely responsible for the Democratic takeover in Colorado over the past decade, will now be spending millions more to defeat Republicans across the state, starting with GOP members of the statehouse. "It might be a difference of, before, spending $200,000 [on 2012 House races], and now spending $2 million," Gill's lawyer said. Read more »

Together, we can fight back against the gay billionaires and the mainstream media distortions, which relentlessly and falsely counsel despair.

Together we can defend marriage, democracy and religious liberty.

Thank you for everything you've done to make these amazing victories possible!

I pledge to be a faithful steward of your money, of your values, of your time—because it all belongs to God, not to you and me, right?

May God's blessings be abundantly on you and your house,

Brian brown

Brian S. Brown
National Organization for Marriage

P.S. NOM-Rhode Island has spent more than $200,000 in media and outreach campaigns to let the people know what the legislature was proposing to do.

Our action alert in Virginia sent hundreds of supporters to oppose the bill on the grounds that it would hurt children by restricting the rights of religious adoption agencies in Virginia to help find good homes for neediest children.

We cannot do this without your help. Can you pledge $10 this month to help NOM's national fight for marriage? A monthly pledge by thousands of supporters just like you helps give us a base of steady income with which to plan the year's battles. Nationally with DOMA, which Pres. Obama is trying to undercut, and in states like Maryland, Rhode Island, Indiana, North Carolina, West Virginia, Minnesota, and elsewhere, we need to be the true rainbow coalition—coming together in love to defend God's truth about marriage. Will you help us defend the truth, democracy, and the rights of a free people today with your pledge of just $10 this month or every month?

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