GoLocalProv on Poll Showing Rhode Island Wants to Vote on Marriage



"...Christopher Plante, Regional Coordinator for NOM, said the results are clear and show the measure should be decided at the polls.

“It has been clear for years that the vast majority of people in Rhode Island want and deserve the right to vote on the definition of marriage, just as those in 35 other states,” he said. “This year the State Senate has before it resolution 0096 to put the question to the people. That 78% of respondents agree Rhode Islanders deserve the same opportunity will hopefully move the senate to reject redefining marriage and instead put the decision to the people.”

...Plante says his group isn’t adovacating putting civil rights on the ballot. It’s asking, instead, for a vote on what the definition of marriage is.

“The question is what is marriage?,” he said. “The definition of marriage transcends states, countries, societies and history. Further, the high ground claimed by our opponents that marriage should not be on the ballot is moot. It was our opponents who put marriage on the ballot in Maine and are pushing to marriage on the ballot in at least Ohio and Oregon.”