French Organizers of Marriage Marchers Expect Crowds of 350,000; Have Already Rallied Far More Than Opposition


LifeSiteNews on the next wave of major national demonstrations in France in favor of protecting marriage:

Organizers of the first nationwide demonstration against same-sex “marriage” in Paris on January 13th say they hope to bring together over 350,000 people. If they succeed, it would make the event one of the most important rallies in the French capital since a giant march in favor of freedom of education in 1984 mobilized over a million people. 

But controversy has broken out in more traditional quarters against the general tone of the “Manif pour tous,” the “demonstration for all.” “Marriage for all” is the slogan French president François Hollande is using to promote the draft same-sex “marriage” law.

So far, pro-marriage demonstrations in France have outnumbered pro-SSM demonstrations by about 209,800 to 178,000.

See the image below -- when they are two numbers, the lower # is from the official police estimate and the higher # is from the organizers: