Don't Be Fooled: They DON'T Want This Fight


National Organization for Marriage

Dear Marriage Supporter,

E.J. Graff has been a leading voice in the charge for same-sex marriage for well over a decade. But now that same-sex marriage is on the doorstep of the Supreme Court, she's nervous. More than that: she's scared. As she wrote last week in The Advocate:

If the court does take up Perry (Proposition 8), be afraid, be very afraid. Almost no one believes the Supreme Court is ready to get out ahead of American opinion on the question at Perry's heart: Do same-sex couples have a fundamental right to marry under the U.S. Constitution?

I couldn't have said it better myself.

Last Friday, the U.S. Supreme Court did take up the Perry case—as well as a case attempting to overturn the Federal Defense of Marriage Act.

This is fantastic news for marriage! It is also a strong signal that the justices are concerned with the rogue rulings of far-left, activist courts that have been practically legislating from the bench to re-define marriage.

Now that we are assured marriage will have its day in court, it's time to stand strong like never before, and give marriage the best defense possible in front of our nation's highest Court.

Please consider making a year-end contribution to NOM today of $50, $100, $500 or even $1,000 if you have the means, to help turn the political and cultural tide and ensure that marriage is given the best defense possible.

An extremely generous supporter has given us the opportunity to level the playing field entering 2013, with a NEW $500,000 matching challenge grant! Every dollar NOM raises before the end of the year, up to half a million, will be matched—doubling the value of your gift to NOM, and providing us with the resources needed to face the forces arrayed against us, who are trying to impose their radical same-sex marriage agenda on the entire country!

NOM has been deeply involved in the defense of both Prop 8 and DOMA from the beginning. We submitted amicus briefs to the court in their defense, and have directly contributed over $400,000 to the legal defense of Prop 8.

The original ruling in the Prop 8 case, issued by a homosexual judge involved in a long-term same-sex relationship, was upheld (but on different grounds) by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals this past year.

But Judge Stephen Reinhardt, the judge who wrote that appellate decision, is the most overturned judge in America, sitting on the bench of the most overturned appeals court in America.

Supporter, as you can see, we have a great chance of winning!

Please make a generous year-end contribution right away to help us defend marriage as it needs to be defended, and as it deserves to be defended!

In this defense, we'll be able to marshal some powerful forces to aid marriage in the courtroom.

Social science data is beginning to show glimpses of what common sense has always told us: children raised without the benefit of their own loving mother and father face challenges most children in intact families are never forced to deal with. One recent study just concluded that "children of same sex couples are significantly less likely to make normal progress through school than other children: 35% less likely than the children of heterosexual married parents."

This new scientific evidence, coupled with the Family Structures Study published by Professor Mark Regnerus earlier this year, are part of a growing body of research that will surely play in favor of winning at the Supreme Court.

But we need your help to make sure we can garner these resources, assemble the teams of experts needed, and put them to work in the most effective way.

Supporter, please donate to NOM today to help us win this all-important fight for marriage.

We cannot give up on our society's foundational institution. We must continue defending it with everything we have.

Especially now—when major victories are in sight—do NOT give in to the lie that the fight is lost and that same-sex marriage is inevitable. 2013 could be a year of unprecedented victory for marriage, and perhaps turn the tide in this fight forever...please take a moment to make a donation today to be a part of this historic moment.

Contributions or gifts to the National Organization for Marriage, a 501(c)(4) organization, are not tax-deductible. The National Organization for Marriage does not accept contributions from business corporations, labor unions, foreign nationals, or federal contractors; however, it may accept contributions from federally registered political action committees. Donations may be used for political purposes such as supporting or opposing candidates. No funds will be earmarked or reserved for any political purpose.

This message has been authorized and paid for by the National Organization for Marriage, 2029 K Street NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20006, Brian Brown, President. This message has not been authorized or approved by any candidate.