The Blaze and Christian Post Report on NOM's Chick-fil-A Wednesdays!


The Christan Post:

A national organization advocating for defining marriage being between one man and one woman has announced that they intend to hold a weekly "Chick-fil-A Wednesday." 

In response to the success of the Aug. 1 observance, the National Organization for Marriage began having weekly "Chick-fil-A Wednesdays" beginning Aug. 15.

Jonathan Baker, spokesman for NOM, told The Christian Post that having weekly observances of "Chick-fil-A Wednesday" is meant to "help people to realize they are not alone in their support for marriage."

The Blaze:

If you thought the massive support that Chick-fil-A received in the wake of the controversy surrounding its president, Dan Cathy, and his public comments against gay marriage was a passing ship, you’re wrong.

Just weeks ago, following public outcry and claims of “hate,“ Mike Huckabee organized ”Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day,” bringing scores of individuals out of their homes and into the restaurant to support its ideals. Now, the National Organization for Marriage (NOM), an organization that supports traditional marriage, is coming out with a weekly way to support the food chain — “Chick-fil-A Wednesdays.”

Don't forget to send Chick-fil-A and Dan Cathy a quick note of thanks for taking a firm stand on marriage!