We Can't Let Them Get Away With It!


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Dear Marriage Supporter,

Since we launched less than two days ago, over 10,000 people have signed our petition!

And we need you to join us!

Please take 30 seconds right now and sign our petition on!

General Mills has lost 10,000 customers in less than two days. If we keep this up, somebody intelligent will look at the numbers and realize that endorsing same-sex marriage legislation, entering the Culture War and affronting the values and beliefs of millions of your customers is just bad business.

We MUST keep the pressure on General Mills, Starbucks and the rest of Corporate America. The MUST get the message that it's not OK to flout the core values and beliefs of millions of Americans by siding with social activists who want to redefine marriage for everyone.

So, please go to right away and sign our petition!

Thank you in advance for taking action to defend marriage by signing our petition!

The National Organization for Marriage Education Fund is a 501(c)(3) organization, gifts to which are deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes.