"Dad" Deleted from UK NHS Baby Guide – for Sake of Gay Couples


The UK Christian Institute:

“Dad” has been removed from a taxpayer-funded baby guide after a single complaint that same-sex couples were being excluded.

The Scottish NHS guide, called Ready Steady Baby, now features the word “partner” instead of “Dad”.

Critics said the health service should not be wasting money on such a change.

The pregnancy and parenthood guide, which is 220 pages long, has been given to parents for the last 14 years.

But following one complaint that the book was “not inclusive of people in same-sex relationships”, the NHS in Scotland replaced all references to “Dad”.

Norman Wells, Director of the Family Education Trust, said: “The NHS should not be squandering tax payers’ money to advance the cause of a minority interest group.”

He continued: “No matter how much effort is made to present positive images of families headed by same-sex couples, the fact remains it takes a man and a woman to create a child.”