Trump Fights Back: Calls Weprin Protests Untruthful


Alexis Levinson at The Daily Caller:

Following reports by Democrat David Weprin’s campaign that he and others had protested Donald Trump’s endorsement of his opponent, Republican Bob Turner, in the special election to replace disgraced former Rep. Anthony Weiner, Trump’s special counsel Michael D. Cohen called to dispute both the basis of the protest and the representation of the event by the Weprin campaign.

...The protesters (who numbered less than 20, and lasted approximately ten minutes) are, in essence, protesting a potential candidate who is out there looking for innovative solutions to help employ them, their family and friends. This truly makes no sense to me,” Cohen concluded.

In conclusion, he pointed out that the press release is factually inaccurate: Trump is not a millionaire; he is a mega-billionaire.