NYT: Among Conservative Rabbis, a Wide Disagreement Over Same-Sex Marriage


Joseph Berger of the New York Times reports:

... The two rabbis’ contrasting viewpoints are reflective of the wide disagreement within Conservative Judaism on an issue that continues to roil many of its synagogues even after passage of laws in New York and five other states that legalize same-sex marriage.

The other denominations of Judaism are less divided. All but several Orthodox rabbis, from Modern to Hasidic, oppose same-sex marriage largely because of the explicit ban against homosexual sex in Leviticus and would never officiate at a Jewish wedding ceremony, while most, but not all, Reform and Reconstructionist rabbis will do so.

... The spectrum in the movement is striking, according to experts. Some rabbis staunchly resist requests to officiate at same-sex weddings, even if congregants want them, arguing that the movement should not equate homosexual relationships with heterosexual ones. Other rabbis are eager to officiate, but will not do so because their congregations are opposed. Others step out ahead of their congregations and might perform the ceremony far from the synagogue and not offer blessings for the couple at a Sabbath service. New York’s law prohibits any penalties for clergy members who refuse to perform same-sex weddings.