Does Tolerance Require Teaching Montana 10-Year-Olds About Sex Acts?


Forgive the vulgarity. But this is what Montana is proposing to teach ten-year-olds in public schools, so we guess we have to be willing to post about it. More evidence of the new regime's intentions. Parents in Montana are protesting what CNN describes as "gay-friendly progressive health-education." What does that mean? Read and weep:

Hundreds Debate Gay-Friendly, Progressive Health-Education Plan
Hundreds of parents turned up at a recent school board meeting to debate a proposed comprehensive health curriculum in Helena, Mont. At the heart of the debate surrounding the curriculum, which includes plans for teaching disease prevention, anatomy, nutrition, and more, is an extensive chart that details what elements of human sexuality will be taught to which students. If implemented, students in kindergarten would learn to properly identify and name body parts. The next year, in first grade, they would be introduced to the concept "that people 'can love people of the same gender and people of another gender.'" By second grade, the students would learn that using anti-gay slurs is hurtful. In fifth grade, students would discuss homosexual relationships and learn that sex "includes but is not limited to vaginal, oral, or anal penetration." In middle school, students would cover sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy, leaving sexual orientation for high school. Some parents, who argue that the new plan starts teaching students about sex when they're too young to learn about it, want to know "where that age-appropriateness comes from." Brian Ackerman, a parent with three daughters in the Helena school system, told HLN's Prime News that "parents should be told 'who decided this, when did they decide it and how did they decide it?'" CNN reported. But the plan also has its supporters. "It sounds like they are teaching body parts and things that are facts of life," said Cathy Areu, publisher of a women's magazine and former high-school teacher. "I feel more comfortable with my daughter learning about this in a classroom than from a boy in the hallway."

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