NOM Marriage News: May 28, 2010


NOM Marriage News.

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

NOM's Legal Defense Fund fights to protect your right and the rights of  all Americans to exercise core civil rights to organize, vote, and donate to protect marriage without risking economic retaliation, harassment or intimidation.

We've filed lawsuits in California and Maine to protect these rights, which numerous federal courts have upheld on other issues.

In Maine the fundamental legal question is: Is NOM an organization formed primarily as a Maine ballot initiative committee--and so required by law to disclose donors? The answer is: obviously not. You know and I know that NOM is THE national organization that fights to protect marriage across this great country.  People who help us in this great fight have the same right as donors to the Human Rights Campaign or Marriage Equality to participate in this process without disclosing their names. 

We just won a great great victory in federal court. The First Circuit TODAY granted our request for a stay, after a lower court judge ordered us to disclose the names of a few of our donors!

I just got the phone call with the good news, so stay tuned for more details.

We have the best lawyers in the country to fight for your constitutional rights. I am going to promise you one thing: After what happened in California, knowing the kind of threats which routinely get made against NOM and our employees, there is no way in the world I am going to give in to these extraordinary demands that compromise our core civil rights, demands no other groups in these fights face.

On this as on so much else, we will do the right thing, we will fight for your rights, and we will win.

Now, what’s the most disturbing statistic you can imagine about American attitudes towards parenting?

If you are radical law professor Nancy Polikoff, the answer is: "My nominee for most disturbing statistic: 81% of respondents strongly agree, agree, or mildly agree that 'we should do everything we can to encourage the ideal of children being raised by their biological parents.'"

Overwhelming common sense support for the idea that the ideal is: the man and the woman who make the baby should come together and raise their baby together, if possible.

But to Polikoff that’s a "disturbing" statistic. How much more do you need to know about the people who support gay marriage?

Polikoff supports homosexual marriage now, but she was long a left-wing hold out against gay marriage. That's because, well, basically she's against all marriage. (She thinks the big problem in American society is we just give too darn much special respect to marriage).

That 81 percent support for the natural family statistic comes from a study by the Yale Cultural Cognition Project. That’s a group of cognitive psychologists who are getting together to figure out how they can reduce opposition to gay marriage and parenting.

This is what counts for "neutral" research these days in the Ivy League, notice: We are like the rats in their cage as they probe our minds for why people can possibly imagine that the natural family is worthy of special respect.

And Polikoff is right about one thing: They have a problem. Ordinary people do have a deep, innate, and intuitive knowledge that words like "marriage" and "family" are based in fundamental human realities that ought to be respected and protected rather than undermined and redefined.

People know what it's like to be a child. They know firsthand the relationship they had, or the relationship they longed to have, with their mom and dad.

The reason gay marriage is proving such a difficult nut for Harvard and Yale working together to crack is that same-sex marriage is based on a profound untruth about the human person. Men and women are not interchangeable. A marital union of husband and wife is not like a sexual union of two men or two women. The ideal for a child IS a home with her married mom and dad.

Some truths really are written on the human heart, which is why the core strategy of gay-marriage advocates is now to use class networks of power to punish dissent. They want to raise the cost of speaking for marriage. Why? Because it is the only way they can win.

Their plan for victory is our silence. But guess what? We won't be silenced.

Here's another core truth: When Americans comes together in love to speak truth to power--we win!
As I write this, a third poll, the Magellan poll, has just confirmed that pro-gay-marriage Republican Tom Campbell’s California campaign in collapsing.

NOM was the first activist group to recognize what a disaster it would be if Tom Campbell emerged as the Republicans' candidate for senate seat currently held by longtime liberal Barbara Boxer. We launched our "Two Peas in a Pod" TV campaign and Campbell's numbers started to slip.

But TV is an incredibly expensive medium in a state like California, so late last week we switched to a new strategy: direct telephone outreach to more than 609,000 likely GOP primary voters.

NOM's strategy was amplified as other conservative groups, especially pro-lifers, who reached out to GOP primary voters with the same message: On abortion and gay marriage and taxes Campbell and Boxers really are two pea in a pod.

Two weeks ago Tom Campbell, a pro-gay-marriage RINO Republican, was leading the race. Today, thanks to your support for NOM's efforts, his support is dropping, he’s now twenty points behind, his campaign is running out of money and out of steam.

California is not the only place NOM's Marriage Truth Squad is swinging into action: Our television ads in Minnesota and New Hampshire are shaking up those states, giving lie to the idea that the American people don’t care about the future of marriage.

In Washington this week Charles Djou was sworn into office, the first Republican Hawaii has elected to Congress in twenty years. Djou bested two openly pro-gay-marriage candidates, thanks in part to NOM's direct outreach to 100,000 Hawaian voters to make sure they knew about Djou's pro-marriage views.

Here's NOM's promise: We transform your values into action, action into victory--victory for God’s truth about marriage. What God has joined, no RINO Republican has any right to put asunder!

Thank you for making all of what we do possible.

Please pray for all the leaders of this great country that they will respect the truth, common sense, and the rights of the American people

God bless you!


Brian BrownBrian S. Brown
National Organization for Marriage
20 Nassau Street, Suite 242
Princeton, NJ 08542
[email protected]

P.S. Remember that just $29 this week for NOM's Marriage Truth Squad will help reach over one thousand Americans with the truth about marriage! Pray for us, and if God is asking you to help, your gift of $29 will win victories for marriage.

NOM in the News
"Conservatives Ramp Up Attacks on Campbell Over His Moderate Social Views"
Los Angeles Times
May 25, 2010
Conservative groups disagree, saying that the strongest candidate for Republicans will be one who can mobilize the party's rank and file. "This is a critical primary; whoever wins has a real shot at defeating Barbara Boxer," said Brian Brown, executive director of the National Organization for Marriage, which opposes Campbell. "The last thing that we need is a Republican who is going against his own party's platform."

"MN-Governor: Gay Marriage at Stake?"
May 21, 2010
Congressional Quarterly pointed out yesterday that the National Organization for Marriage -- the prominent national group working to prevent Gay Marriage -- is getting involved in the Minnesota Governor's race .

"Capitol Alert: Gay Marriage Opponents Launch Call Drive Against Campbell"
Sacramento Bee (blog)
May 21, 2010
The National Organization for Marriage, which opposes gay marriage, said Friday it is launching robocalls against former Rep. Tom Campbell in the Republican U.S. Senate primary.
"$200K in TV Ads Over Marriage"
Minnesota Star Tribune (blog)
May 18, 2010
"[National Organization for Marriage] sees Minnesota as the next key battleground state in the fight to preserve marriage in America,” said Brian Brown, the organization's president in a news release.

Contributions or gifts to the National Organization for Marriage, a 501(c)(4) organization with QNC status, are not tax-deductible. The National Organization for Marriage does not accept contributions from business corporations, labor unions, foreign nationals, or federal contractors; however, it may accept contributions from federally registered political action committees. Donations may be used for political purposes such as supporting or opposing candidates. No funds will be earmarked or reserved for any political purpose.

©2010 National Organization for Marriage.