School Teaching Kindergartners That There Are More Than Two Genders


From an alert from the Pacific Justice Institute:

Redwood Heights Elementary School will be teaching children in grades kindergarten through fifth that there are more than two genders. The two days calendared for this are entitled "Gender Spectrum Diversity Training."

... Another document from the school advises parents: "When you discuss gender with your child, you may hear them (sic) exploring where they (sic) fit on the gender spectrum and why."

... The activities and reading list include: Grades K-1: "Boy, girl or both? Which Outfit, Which Hairdo? (Reading) My Princess Boy."Grades 2-3 "What is gender? (Reading)10,000 Dresses." Grades 4-5: "Three dimensions of gender. (Reading/Song) All I Want to be is Me."

... "Though to many this may seem extreme, based upon some of the bills now pending in the Capitol such as SB 48, this will be the new normal in California's K-12 public schools," [attorney Kevin] Snider continued.