Catholic Editor Responds to "Fringe Conservative" Label


The liberal press in Minnesota has been going after those who are supporting the marriage amendment effort, one paper calling them "fringe conservatives".

Joe Towalski, the editor of the Catholic Spirit and the Saint Cloud Visitor responds:

The Minnesota Independent noted in a recent article that newspapers throughout the state are coming out against a bill seeking to place a constitutional amendment on the ballot that would define marriage as a union between one man and one woman. No editorial boards, it said, are supportive of the amendment.

That’s not true. This newspaper is supportive of the effort.

... The Winona Daily News characterizes the amendment initiative as pandering to the interests of “fringe conservatives.” A few, including the Star Tribune and the Mille Lacs Messenger, call it bigotry.

... [But] Ensuring the definition of marriage doesn’t change has nothing to do with hate. It is nothing “fringe” or radical. It is all about preserving an institution that best serves children and the common good.