NY MARRIAGE ALERT: Action Needed! SSM Vote Possible Today


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Dear Friends of Marriage,

The New York Senate is back in special session today, with Governor Paterson calling again for a vote on the same-sex marriage bill.

We've got to keep the pressure on!

Click here to send your state senator an email right now!
Click here to look up your senator's phone number!

Right now, gay marriage advocates don't have the votes to pass the bill, but it will be close. As I write, they're pulling out all the stops to swing the last few votes needed to pass the bill.

Governor Paterson and the Democratic leadership in the Senate have promised to call a vote on the same-sex marriage bill before the end of 2009. The vote could come at any time the Senate is in session--even before a budget deal is reached, if the leadership thinks they have the votes.

We can't let up! Following the votes in Maine and in NY-23, we have momentum.

For the first time, legislators are waking up to realize that a vote for same-sex marriage could cost them their seat in next year's election. It's time to keep the pressure on wavering legislators.

1) Contact your state senator again today! Click here to send an email, or use this link to look up your senator's phone number.

2) Pass this message on to your friends and neighbors. Our senators need to hear from all of us!

The middle of a budget crisis is no time to be redefining marriage. Together, we'll tell every senator: Don't Mess with Marriage! Please contact your senator today!

Brian BrownFaithfully,

Brian S. Brown
Executive Director
National Organization for Marriage
20 Nassau Street, Suite 242
Princeton, NJ 08542
[email protected]

©2009 National Organization for Marriage.