Should Christians Give Up on Gay Marriage? Maggie Responds in USA Today


Tom Krattenmaker says they should. Maggie responds:

Marriage core teaching

Commentary writer Tom Krattenmaker sees the issue as "On gay rights, keep fighting or adapt?" But for those of us who are Christian, a better headline would be: "Genesis: continue fighting for it or adapt?" (On Religion, The Forum, Feb. 14).

The idea that God made us male and female, and that men and women are called to come together to make and raise the next generation (i.e. "marriage") is not an exclusively Christian idea. But to abandon it is to abandon any credible claim that Christianity is true.

This is not some subtle "interpretation"; it is at the core of Christian teaching on life, sex and marriage.

Maggie Gallagher; Chairman of the Board
National Organization for Marriage
Washington, D.C.