Obama's Unconstitutional Decree - NOM National Newsletter 2/24/11


Dear Marriage Supporter,

The fight is on!

By now you've probably heard the shocking news: Pres. Obama just announced he will no longer defend the Defense of Marriage Act in court.
 Already over four thousand of you have responded to our urgent action alert calling on the House to vote to intervene and do the job Pres. Obama doesn't want to do: fight for marriage in court. And the numbers keep pouring in!

Thank you! You rock!

Here's Maggie on Fox News with Megyn Kelly responding to the breaking news:

Obama’s Power Grab: “The Imperial Presidency”

What happened yesterday was an amazing display of arrogance combined with incoherence. Pres. Obama promised to “enforce” the law, but not to “defend” it. What does that mean?

Why the Obama Power Grab Will Backfire

Over at Red State, Curt Levey points out, “President Obama's decision today to abandon the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) is both outrageous . . . and a miscalculation.”

The Left’s Endless Culture War

Why the Left will never permit itself to declare victory and stop pushing for more.

As I leave you this week, if you haven't yet contacted your congressman, let me ask you please do it now. If you do just `one thing for marriage in your life, do this today: Go here and tell Congress to fight for marriage!

Then send this link to five of your friends! Urge them to stand now for marriage, and for a government which respects the democratic process.

We will fight this fight for you and with you--for marriage, for common sense, for democracy and our beloved Constitution.

We will fight this good fight and I promise you: We will win!

God bless you and keep you always close to Him,

Brian Brown

Brian S. Brown
National Organization for Marriage

P.S. You know what I do here: I ask you if you can donate this week. Fight back with your email alerts and your letters and your phone calls. Fight for us with your prayers. And if you can, this week, reach down and sacrifice to give us the means to tell more people how our rights and our Constitution are being taken away. It takes $10 to reach 1,000 Americans on new media. Can you help us? $100 will reach out to 10,000 others! Thank you again and God bless you, and may God bless America!