Star Tribune: Minnesotans More Sad Than Bitter Over Gay Marriage


As Minnesota's same-sex marriage law gets set to take effect Thursday, The Star Tribune reports on millions of Minnesotans whose views will be overlooked by the media this week:

Minnesota CoupleThey are ordinary parishioners, neighbors down the street, co-workers in the elevator who steadfastly believe that marriage is meant solely for a man and a woman.

“I can’t say we’re bitter,” said Tom O’Neill of Eagan. “We’re disappointed. It’s people saying, ‘If it’s good for me, I don’t care about anyone else.’

If anything, their sadness is less directed toward this particular issue than to the moral erosion of society in general. For them, same-sex marriage is the most recent straw on a teetering pile of hollow chaff.

Many in the group said they are angry with legislators who voted same-sex marriage into law. But they feel utterly betrayed by those politicians who, during the run-up to the November election, downplayed the proposed constitutional amendment banning gay marriage as redundant because of the existing state law against such unions.

“I thought it was so dishonest the way it was promoted,” said Keith Stanton of Mendota Heights. “They said this will change nothing. They said they wouldn’t [change the law.]”

What hurts them most about seeing society change around them? Being called bigots, they said. Feeling forced to accept something they believe is wrong.

Read the full piece here.

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