National Organization for Marriage Hails New HuffPost Poll Showing National Support for DOMA


Contact: Elizabeth Ray or Jen Campbell (703-683-5004)

"The Supreme Court ought to uphold DOMA and uphold Proposition 8 and respect the pro-marriage views of millions of Americans." — Brian Brown, NOM president —

National Organization for Marriage

Washington, D.C. — Brian Brown today hailed the results of a new poll conducted by HuffPost/YouGov showing that 45% of Americans believe the Supreme Court should uphold the Defense of Marriage Act while only 41% believe it should be overturned. The poll also found that more Americans want the federal government to define marriage as between one man and one woman (45%) than want it redefined (43%).

"The pro-marriage position of Americans was evident in this poll despite the fact that it used language and survey methods which would tend to underrepresent Americans with pro-marriage views," Brown said. The survey of 1,000 adults polled May 30-31 was screened to "match the demographics and other characteristics of the U.S. population" and surveyed all adults including those not registered to vote. The survey uses terms such as "forbid" and "legal marriages" which can bias responses. For example, some people might agree to recognize "legal gay marriages" even if they don't support them. Even with these methodological biases the survey still found that more adults want DOMA to be upheld than want it struck down.

Brown continued: "For months and years activists bent on redefining marriage and striking down DOMA have argued that the Supreme Court should issue a sweeping ruling in favor of same-sex marriage because it is inevitable. This poll, and the only poll that matters — the free votes of citizens in over 2/3rds of American states — shows this is not true. The Supreme Court ought to uphold DOMA and uphold Proposition 8 and respect the pro-marriage views of millions of Americans."

"This poll also demonstrates once again that marriage has support in both parties and across all age groups. A higher percentage of Republicans support marriage than Democrats support same-sex marriage. Twenty-four percent of Democrats support marriage. And thirty-seven percent of those under 30 do as well — this all despite immense cultural pressure to abandon their support of marriage. Americans are able to settle important questions like the definition of marriage on their own. The Supreme Court should not take the right to debate and define marriage away from the American people."


To schedule an interview with Brian Brown, President of the National Organization for Marriage, please contact Elizabeth Ray (x130), [email protected], or Jen Campbell (x145), [email protected], at 703-683-5004.

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