Tell the Senate: Do NOT Redefine Marriage in Delaware!


National Organization for Marriage

Dear Marriage Supporter,

You must act TODAY to preserve and uphold marriage in Delaware!

Click here to send an urgent message to your State Senator and the members of the Senate Executive Committee urging them to REJECT House Bill 75 and to say "NO" to redefining marriage in the First State.

This week, the Senate Executive Committee is considering House Bill 75 (HB 75), which would impose genderless "marriage" on the citizens of Delaware!

Governor Markell has said that same-sex marriage in Delaware is "inevitable," but you and I know that the people of Delaware are resilient and strong.

The time we have left in which to act is rapidly slipping away. We need to stop this radical legislation in the Senate right now—the State Constitution does not give citizens recourse to overrule legislators through a ballot initiative down the line.


Click here to send a strong and clear message to your leaders in Dover that marriage is not of the State's making, and not the State's to un-make!

Marriage is good for children, good for men and women, and good for society as a whole. And everywhere marriage has been redefined, the consequences for ordinary citizens, and men and women of faith, have been disastrous.

There's every reason to believe that the consequences in Delaware of marriage redefinition would be even worse: the inappropriately named "Civil Marriage Equality and Religious Freedom Act of 2013" (HB 75) does nothing to protect people's conscience and religious freedom.

There are no protections offered to individuals of faith and faith-based business owners from legal repercussions for opting out of assisting in same-sex 'weddings'—to say nothing of the fact that people who believe in marriage between one man and one woman would now be stigmatized in law as backward-thinking and haters, the equivalent of bigots or racists.

We cannot allow this radical legislation to determine the future of marriage in Delaware. We need to preserve and protect marriage for our children's and grandchildren's generations.

Tell the Senate today: marriage deserves to be defended—not redefined!

Thank you for your quick attention to this crucial matter.

PS: Click the buttons below to forward this action item on to your pro-marriage family members and friends, or to post to Facebook and Twitter. EVERYONE needs to take action right away so that the Senate knows without a doubt that the people of the First State stand for marriage!

Please take a few minutes out of your day to contact your Senator, and then find at least two or three friends who can similarly take action! The future of marriage in Delaware is at stake—let's give it the best defense possible!

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