UK Daily Mail: Regnerus "Cleared in School Inquiry"


The UK Daily Mail reports on the exoneration of the Regnerus study:

"A professor who came under attack over a critical research paper about children of gay-marriages will not be fired after being backed up by his school.

The University of Texas-Austin came to the defense of Professor Mark Regnerus after his controversial journal article was published, claiming children of same-sex parents are more likely to be on welfare or depressed than the offspring of heterosexual couples.

His work featured in the July issue of Social Science Research and prompted public outcry after gay rights advocates criticized it as being one-sided and biased.

‘The university expects the scholarly community will continue to evaluate and report on the findings of the Regnerus article and supports such discussion.’

...Rose now plans to pursue his claims with the American Sociological Association, not happy with the findings of a four-member advisory panel who trawled through Regnerus' computers and 42,000 emails before deciding to back his methodology.

'Since it's a sensitive subject that offers quite different conclusions from previous studies, it's not surprising that it has drawn critics,' he told

Regnerus’ New Family Structures Study sampled 3,000 people ages 18-39, of whom 248 said their mothers or fathers had a same-sex relationship while they were growing up.

He claimed his study was unique because of its large sample size and that previous studies 'seemed designed to conclude there are no differences between children of the two groups'."