Ryan Anderson Reviews Maggie Gallagher's New Book Debating SSM


Ryan Anderson, editor of the Public Discourse and William E. Simon Fellow at the Heritage Foundation reviews NOM co-founder Maggie Gallegher's new book where she debates Prof. John Corvino:

The debate over whether to recognize same-sex relationships as marriages is among the most sensitive, difficult, and important in American public life. Sensitive, because it addresses real people’s happiness, and provokes strong emotions. Difficult, because it occurs between reasonable people of good will with different visions of the common good, in a culture already long confused about marriage and sexuality. Important, because the family is society’s foundation.

... The authors seek to “achieve disagreement”: to understand precisely where and why they differ, a rare feat “in the face of a sometimes ugly division.” And in 100 pages each of positive arguments, and 20 pages each of replies, they do just that. The total effect is to give readers a sense of the strengths and weaknesses of the arguments, without the usual spike in blood pressure.

If you haven't yet purchased the book you can do so on here.