HRC, Which Believes Moms are Optional, Calls on Moms to Condemn Organization Dedicated to Arguing Moms are Irreplaceable


Yesterday was, of course, Mother's Day, and the Human Rights Campaign decided to "celebrate" it by calling on mothers across the country to "unite" against NOM by uploading this photo to their Facebook profile:

HRC also gave 10 reasons for why they think Moms should unite against NOM, but I'd like to give you just the personal reason I support NOM: Because I am so grateful to have been raised by mom and know from that experience how she loves me the way only a mom can.

Gay marriage -- and HRC -- deny that a mother's love is unique and special. Why on earth would moms, who know how much their kids need them, want to support an organization like HRC which is dedicated to the idea that moms are replaceable and dispensable. Talk about a paradox.

Anyway, a very happy belated mother's day to all the moms across America -- especially the 500,000 or so moms (by my rough guess) who voted to protect marriage between a man and a woman last week in North Carolina! You rock!