Chicago Tribune: Axelrod Not Making Obama's Non-Stance on Marriage Any Easier


Seema Mehta of the Chicago Tribune with more about the controversy caused by efforts to introduce same-sex marriage into the DNC platform:

...[Obama 2012] Campaign manager Jim Messina, asked about the matter [same-sex marriage in the DNC platform] during a conference call with reporters, did not take a position on such a plank, but said that such a proposal would go through the normal platform revision process.

But at the same time, he and senior strategist David Axelrod argued that GOP front-runner Mitt Romney's wooing of conservative voters, such as his hard-line immigration stance or his refusal to forcefully condemn Rush Limbaugh for calling a law student a "slut," will not be forgotten if he is the Republican nominee.

"This is not a game – you're running for president of the United States," Axelrod said. "If you don't have the strength to stand up to the most strident voices in your party, how are you going to stand up to [Iranian President Mahmoud] Ahmadinejad? How are you going to stand up to the challenges of the presidency?"