23-Year-Old Tells Minnesota RINOs: Protecting Marriage Won't Alienate Young Voters


Janet Rother writes to the Minnesota Post-Bulletin:

In their Feb. 25 column in the Post-Bulletin, Republican State Reps. Tim Kelly and John Kriesel state that the Minnesota Marriage Amendment is not Republican and that it will further alienate young voters.

As a 23 year-old conservative, I beg to differ.

... Government is involved in marriage to support the best environment for the raising of children. In addition, these children can only be conceived through the relationship of one man and one woman, the most stable form of this being a marriage. Natural law tells us that this complementary union of man and woman is the only way for life to be formed. And history and reason show us that children are raised best when nurtured by both a mother and a father.

By voting 'yes' on the Marriage Amendment, Minnesotans can assure that the citizens of the state hold the power to uphold marriage in its true form. If the amendment fails to pass, our state may fall with Iowa, Massachusetts and California, where activist judges “redefined” the oldest institution in our culture.

Reps. Kelly and Kriesel, that doesn’t sound very Republican to me.