Gay Marriage Legal In New York? Not If We Work Together!


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Dear Marriage Supporter,

As you know, the National Organization for Marriage fights to protect marriage in all 50 states.

But you also know that New York is critically important—more so than most others.

The same-sex marriage lobbyists have been focusing on the Empire State for a long time, pouring millions of dollars into their campaigns to permanently legalize gay marriage. Now they are focused on convincing you and your fellow citizens of the LIE that the fight is over.

That is why we have a special battle plan to protect marriage in New York in 2012, and why I am writing you today.

Our fight to repeal New York's same-sex marriage law will escalate in 2012. NOM has pledged $2 million to oppose pro-gay marriage legislators who betrayed us on marriage. We must send an emphatic message to the "business-as-usual" crowd in Albany: sell out your constituents at your own risk!

Over the years, NOM has defeated every pro-gay marriage Republican we have ever targeted. With your help, we will continue that trend in New York. We will win for New Yorkers their right to vote on a statewide referendum to uphold marriage and, I've no doubt, restore the definition of true marriage in the Empire State.

Will you help fund our 2012 campaign in New York by making one special gift to the NOM NY PAC right now?

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The bottom line: 2012 will either be the year when traditional marriage makes a comeback...

...or it will be the year when the same-sex marriage lobbyists knock the doors down and begin their assault on marriage in all 50 states.

As always, the success of our campaign depends on you, Marriage Supporter.

So please, to protect marriage in New York, make one urgent financial gift today.

Thank you in advance, and God bless you.


Brian Brown

Brian S Brown

Brian S. Brown
NOM PAC New York

P.S. We know the anti-marriage bullies will outspend us in New York. Mayor Bloomberg, Governor Cuomo and their Wall Street buddies have already raised MILLIONS of dollars for the re-election campaigns of the senators who betrayed us. They will also use much nastier tactics. But the people are on our side, so as long as we have the resources necessary to spread the truth and fight back against the smear campaigns, we will win. So please make the most generous financial gift you can afford at this time. Thanks again.

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Contributions or gifts to NOM PAC NY are not deductible as contributions for Federal income tax purposes. Political contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions.

Cumulative donations of more than $99 to NOM PAC NY are reported to the State of New York as required by law.