Brian Brown Op-Ed: Why Ron Paul is Wrong on Marriage


Our President Brian Brown writes in the Daily Caller:

With the state primaries underway, it is more important than ever that Republican voters know this: When it comes to marriage, Ron Paul is no conservative. Never mind, for the moment, that in his nearly three-decade-long congressional career Paul has written little of legislative consequence, or that a good deal of the Paul platform could only be accomplished with serious, game-changing amendments to the Constitution. Purely from a conservative values standpoint, a Ron Paul presidency would spell disaster for marriage in the United States.

Paul is the only major GOP contender for president not to sign the National Organization for Marriage “Marriage Pledge,” a document that commits signatories, if elected, to taking specific actions to protect traditional marriage. Paul once replied “sure” when asked by an interviewer about legalizing gay marriage. Should he be elected president and an activist federal judge succeeds in redefining marriage for the entire country, Paul won’t lift a finger to protect the definition of marriage as the union of one man and one woman. While Paul famously declared on the House floor in 2004 that he opposed “federal efforts to redefine marriage as something other than a union between one man and one woman,” he has long refused to support a federal marriage amendment. Such an amendment is a last line of defense against radical judges like U.S. District Chief Judge Vaughn R. Walker, who declared in 2010 that our historic understanding of marriage is unconstitutional under the Fourteenth Amendment.

Our nation’s framers must be rolling over in their graves at the radical conclusion that the Constitution they wrote contained a right to gay marriage, yet Paul either lacks the courage of his supposedly strong convictions to correct this grievous judicial error, or he is gunning for the presidency at the cost of traditional values — you know, those pesky things most Americans still hold. Neither prospect is a good one.