Poll Shows More than 60% of Republicans Support Restoring Traditional Marriage In NH


Cross-posted from New Hampshire for Marriage:

61 Percent of NH Republicans Favor 2009 Same Sex Marriage Rollback

Concord, NH — A recent poll shows a clear majority of New Hampshire Republican voters in the upcoming, first-in-the-nation primary support a legislative definition of marriage as the union between a man and a woman, along with a provision returning to civil unions.

The poll of 500 registered primary voters, conducted last month by the polling company, inc./WomanTrend, shows 61 percent of registered Republican primary voters favor legislation that restores traditional marriage, while allowing for civil unions. Only 33 percent oppose such legislation.

“With more than 3 out of 5 New Hampshire Primary voters favoring the restoration of marriage, the verdict is in: Republicans are united in the fight against the national agenda of wealthy, gay marriage lobbyists,” said Jason Rose of the July Fourth Forum PAC.

Rose said the poll affirms the will of New Hampshire voters, who in 2010 overwhelmingly voted against legislators that supported gay marriage after heavy lobbying by wealthy, out-of-state lobbyists and social activists, and instead ushered in a new majority in Concord favoring the restoration of traditional marriage.

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