CBS: In 2012 All GOP Candidates Social Conservatives


CBS News:

In a year like this, social conservatives may be worried that the issues that matter to them will fall to the wayside as the economy dominates the presidential contest. But this year's Values Voter Summit in Washington proved two things: Republicans are far from close to choosing their 2012 presidential candidate, but they can rest assured all the viable candidates represent their social vales.

... in his speech Saturday, [Mitt Romney] promised to eliminate federal funding for Planned Parenthood and said it is critical to "preserve traditional marriage, the joining together of one man and one woman." Romney has promised to work to advance all of the National Organization for Marriage's key goals, including supporting a constitutional amendment defining marriage as between a man and a woman.

... Chris Balkema of Channahon, Illinois [...] is dedicated to the cause of the conference. He's attended the Values Voter Summit for four years in a row and said an important issue for him is the defense of marriage.