Bishop Harry Jackson: “Prop 8 Decision Threatens Core Civil Right to Vote for Marriage”


The National Organization for Marriage releases the following statement from Bishop Harry Jackson:

“Prop 8 Decision Threatens Core Civil Right to Vote for Marriage”

(Washington, D.C.) – Today, in support of the National Organization for Marriage (NOM), Bishop Harry Jackson, head of the High Impact Leadership Coalition and, stated:

Bishop Harry Jackson tells the crowd in Annapolis: “The major civil right . . . is the right to vote.”“This is a travesty of justice.  The majority of Californians — and two-thirds of black voters in California -- have just had their core civil right to vote for marriage stripped from them by an openly gay federal judge who has misread history and the Constitution to impose his San Francisco views  on the American people.  The implicit comparison Judge Walker made between racism and marriage is particularly offensive to me and to all of us who remember the reality of Jim Crow.  It is not bigotry, it is biology that discriminates between same-sex couples and opposite-sex couples.  To make a marriage requires a husband and a wife, because these unions are necessary to make new life and connect children to their mother and father.  Judge Walker’s slur will not stand the test of time and history, we demand that Congress and the Supreme Court act to protect all Americans’ right to vote for marriage.”

To speak with Bishop Harry Jackson, please contact Shirley & Banister Public Affairs at 1-800-536-5920; or to schedule an interview with Brian Brown, President, or Maggie Gallagher, Chairman of the Board, of the National Organization for Marriage, please contact Mary Beth Hutchins, [email protected], (x105), or Elizabeth Ray, [email protected], (x130) at  703-683-5004.