Maggie on the Fight to Protect Marriage in NY


Paul Stanley of the Christian Post gets NOM Chairman Maggie Gallagher's thoughts about what's happening in the empire state:

“It’s pretty clear the Republican majority in the Senate recognizes they have a real problem,” said Gallagher, NOM’s chairman and co-founder. “I don’t understand why Senate Republicans need to carry the Governor’s water – especially when they have nothing to gain.”

Gallagher said the issue of same-sex marriage is a low priority for most New Yorkers. She feels the legislature should be focusing on property tax relief and rent regulation – two issues she believes are more important to the majority of citizens.

“The only ones pushing the Senate vote are gay advocates or those who have something to gain from it – notably Michael Bloomberg and Andrew Cuomo,” said Gallagher. “If the legislature really wanted to know where the people stood on same-sex marriage, they should put it to a vote of the people. That way they can get back to working on more pressing issues.”